Category Archives: Match
Friday Factoids Catch-Up: City Interns Have Higher Burnout!
City Interns, have higher burnout rates! Or, one current intern’s shameful –but heartfelt-plug, to incoming interns. Going through this stressful ordeal only one year ago, I often wondered about the creators of the psychology internship process? Obviously, self-care, … Continue reading
Interviewing at WKPIC
WKPIC’s staff has begun the process of reviewing applications for the 2017-2018 intern year. We’re excited! Soon, letters will go out, and we hope that we will meet many of you who applied to our program. If you … Continue reading
Surviving Match: Personal Stories
Like many students, I found the APPIC process daunting, but worth it in the end. I experienced an early elation at receiving interviews. I am a returning adult pursuing a second career, and I was unsure how that might play … Continue reading
Surviving Match: Personal Stories
While reflecting back on the internship match process, a lot of mixed emotions surfaced like anger, anxiety, sadness, acceptance, and elation. Sounds a lot like the five stages of grief because that is exactly what it felt like, … Continue reading
Surviving Match: Personal Stories
As more and more strands of my hair began to entwine around the bristles of my brush instead of staying attached to my head, I knew I had a problem. I immediately contacted my family doctor, made an appointment … Continue reading