Category Archives: General Information
Friday Factoid Catch-Up! What Exactly Is Boxing Day?
Have you heard of Boxing Day? December 26th is a holiday celebrated in England and many other countries (including Canada, where I am from!). Today, Boxing Day is similar to the American Black Friday (which is not … Continue reading
Factors Predicting Readmission to Inpatient Psychiatric Hospitals
Readmission to inpatient psychiatric hospitals within one year of discharge is approximately 40-50% (Bridge & Barb, 2004). Given that most psychiatric conditions are characterized as having a chronic, relapsing course, readmission seems quite possible. Such prevalence and course of the … Continue reading
Friday Factoid: Vitamin D Has a Mental Health Connection
An article from U.S. News & World Report wrote about the importance of vitamin D and how our lives could depend on it! The article noted that some studies suggest that half of the world’s population has a vitamin … Continue reading
Friday Factoids: Is the Internet Destroying Reading Habits?
Is the proliferation of technology and social media destroying the reading habits of young people? It seems commonplace to assume that America’s younger generation has been inundated with technology driven efficiency to the extent of being devoid of … Continue reading
Friday Factoid: The Power of Positive Thinking. . .with a Healthy Dose of Realism
Many of us have been advised to “think positive”, but is this platitude truly helpful? The ubiquity of such advice is undeniable, and its efficacy seems intuitively strong, but the bulk of research is now showing that optimism may … Continue reading