
WKPIC’s application deadline is November 22.


The internship program begins on the first working day in September and extends through the last working day of August in the following calendar year.


Faculty meetings occur monthly, and dates and agenda may vary. Internship-specific faculty meetings occur quarterly in March, June, September, and December. For the duration of the pandemic, these meetings will be virtual.


Mandatory Supervision and Didactics*

WSH Orientation (24 total hours across 3 working days, scheduled upon arrival)
Intern Group Supervision: Thursdays, 1 – 2:30 p.m.
Didactic Seminars: Fridays, 1:30-3:30 p.m.
Leadership Seminar: 10 2-hour sessions plus graduation
Individual supervision 4 hours/week.

*These activities may be virtual during the pandemic.


Clinical Training Activities*

Initial/intake assessment
Testing and specialized assessment
Individual counseling
Recovery Team participation
Special Case Conference
Development of Positive Behavioral Support Plans
Psychology Departmental Meeting
Training in Administrative Models and Tasks
Group Counseling**

*These activities may be virtual during the pandemic.
**This activity is temporarily suspended during the pandemic.


Optional Training Activities
Interns will receive announcements for facility-based and community-based training activities as opportunities arise. During the pandemic, these experiences are likely to be virtual.


Informal Social Events
Doctoral interns are encouraged to enjoy each other’s company and participate in facility social events such as the WSH Holiday Breakfast in December, and psychology departmental gatherings–when these are again possible in the pandemic situation. Virtual meetings, phone calls, and socially-distanced outdoor activities (while masked) are the best options for now.