Category Archives: Announcements
Farewell to the class of 2017-2018
The time has come again to say goodbye–sigh. But WKPIC knows its graduates will be awesome in whatever they undertake. Fair winds and following seas to these new psychologists. Here’s hoping they chart new waters and travel far!
Big giant hurrah for intern Crystal Henson, for successfully defending her dissertation! Susan Redmond-Vaught, Ph.D. Director, WKPIC
Congratulations to Leadership Forum Graduates 2017-2018!!
Article Review: Bach, P., & Hayes, S. C. (2002). The use of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to prevent the rehospitalization of psychotic patients: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology, 70, 1129-1138. Harris, R. (2009). ACT made simple.
If you work at an acute inpatient psychiatric hospital, you will see familiar faces as patients are readmitted. It’s an evitable occurrence. When this happens you can do one of two things, either continue with the same treatment approach or … Continue reading
WKPIC Recognized by APA Division 18
Very, very proud of our sponsoring agencies (Western State Hospital, Pennyroyal Center), our supervisors, and our interns, current and previous! Susan R. Redmond-Vaught, Ph.D. Director, WKPIC