Category Archives: Social
WKPIC Welcomes Intern Class 2017-2018!
WKPIC says a hearty HELLO to Anissa Pugh, Crystal Henson, Michael Daniel, Katy Roth, and Georgetta Harris-Wyatt. We are happy–and fortunate–to have you! Looking forward to a great year. And I didn’t mean to put you all into … Continue reading
Farewell To Interns, 2016-2017
Once again, the time has come to bid farewell to an intern class. Our 2016-2017 interns are officially loose in the world, to do all the good they can do–which I believe will be an amazing amount. Congratulations, ladies. … Continue reading
WKPIC would like to extend giant happy dances to the following brilliant folks: First, former intern and current post-doc Crystal Bray successfully defended her dissertation! Seconnd, current intern Dannie Harris passed the … Continue reading
Huge Congratulations
WKPIC extends warmest congratulations to Dianne Rapsey-Vanburen, for taking her oath today and finishing the arduous process of becoming a United States Citizen!! We are so happy to have you, and your ceremony flowers are beautiful.
Goodbye . . . And Hello!
It is with great fondness and lots of sadness that we bid farewell to this crop of minions . . . I mean, interns. Jon Torres headed home to Kansas City for a post-doctoral position at an inpatient facility, while … Continue reading